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The Foothills Arts Council is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, federal tax ID 56-1186347.
Donations may be eligible for special tax consideration.
Make an impact today
Support our mission by contributing a donation.
23% of our annual income is from YOUR donations and sponsorships.
This proves that small donations made by many have a HUGE impact.
23% of our annual income is from grants and foundations.
54% of our annual income is from our programs and events.
More than 80% of our income goes directly back into programming and events to benefit our community with roughly 20% going toward administrative and fundraising expenses. The national non-profit average is 70/30. Go FAC!
As we rally to complete the final leg of work necessary to regain occupancy of our historic Chatham facility, your support is needed more than ever.
“Great things are not done by impulse, but a series of small things brought together.” -Vincent Van Gogh