Enriching creative lives through immersive arts education and entertainment since 1978
For nearly fifty years, we’ve been committed to nurturing well-being through creative experiences that relieve stress, build confidence, and inspire personal growth. Our mission is to empower you to live a more fulfilled life by embracing the many benefits of creative expression. By fostering creativity in individuals, we also cultivate a vibrant community of artists, driving economic development and tourism in the Yadkin Valley.
| find your trail to the arts
Begin your creative journey today by enrolling in our clay, traditional woodworking, or violin making semesters.
Offering quarterly rotating exhibits by local and regional artists in the Bacchus Gallery in collaboration with The Wisdom Table.
The Foothills Theatre has been entertaining us for over fifty years!
Learn about our project to reactivate and restore the Gilvin Roth YMCA into our multidisciplinary arts campus.
| events at a glance
| make an impact
Support our mission by contributing a donation.
23% of our annual income is from YOUR donations and sponsorships.
This proves that small donations made by many have a HUGE impact.
23% of our annual income is from grants and foundations.
54% of our annual income is from our programs and events.
More than 80% of our income goes directly back into programming and events to benefit our community with roughly 20% going toward administrative and fundraising expenses. The national non-profit average is 70/30. Go FAC!
As we rally to complete the final leg of work necessary to regain occupancy of our historic Chatham facility, your support is needed more than ever.
“Great things are not done by impulse, but a series of small things brought together.” -Vincent Van Gogh
Click HERE to read our annual member letter.